Reconstruct Rescue Center
Tax deductible
Our rescue center needs help to rebuild our rescue dogs outdoor structures. The ice storm left us with thousands of dollars in damages. We need to rebuild as quickly as possible, but need your help!!
We had three structures that keeps dogs out of the rain, completely demolished. Our little dog housing has a hole in the roof causing major leaking and the cold is getting in. We had sturdy metal kennels completely flatten by the weight of the ice. It’s been a tragedy.
Our community has been incredibly supportive. Together we can rebuild and give the dogs their safe and happy lives back! Allowing us to help more dogs. As well as keep our sanctuary dogs dry and comfortable.
Eugene Weekly did an article on the destruction you can view here: Eugene Weekly - Crashing Down
Any amount helps! From the bottom of our hearts we thank you for considering helping our dogs.
More information about SevaDog: SevaDog is a non profit 501c3 Dog Rescue nestled in the country side in Oregon. We take the last hope dogs of the world. We specialize in the worst cases. Hoarding, domestic violence, dog fighting victims, street dogs, feral dogs, and we will never give up on them.
We also have PayPal - [email redacted]
Venmo - @sevadogrescue
Mail - 90558 Alvadore Rd. Junction City, OR 97448.
Mandy Cracknell
Junction City, OR