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Rebuild the Arts in Puerto Rico

Doação protegida

School for the Performing Arts
, will RISE UP!
  As we continue to come to grips with the destruction that Hurricane Maria wrought on our beloved island of Puerto Rico, we realized that we have a choice.  A choice to allow Hurricane Maria to take what we have worked so hard to build over the last 30 years or to rebuild our School of Performing Arts and help our island heal through the arts.  With that being said we are in full spirit to reconstruct our school that has educated more than three generations of dancers, actors and singers.  Our school employs 38 teachers and five administrative staff, as well as providing employment to invited teachers from around the world.  However, our efforts to rebuild can not be done alone so we are coordinating a massive fundraising campaign and we urge all our friends and alumni residing in Puerto Rico, New York, Los Angeles, Florida and Europe to contribute so our school can continue our mission of providing a complete education in the performing arts of dance and theater in various techniques and classes we offer.  Please visit our website so you can learn a little more about our teachers, programs and community we have dedicated our lives to.  Thank you for your help and together Puerto Rico and our School for the Performing Arts will RISE UP!!

School for the Performing Arts , se levanta! Luego del paso del Huracán María, estamos en plena reconstrucción de la escuela que ha educado a más de tres generaciones de bailarines, actoresy cantantes. Esta escuela emplea a 38 profesores y 5 personal administrativo, ademas de brindar empleo a profesores invitados de distintas partes del mundo. Es por esta razón que se ha organizado una campaña masiva de recaudación de fondos y exhortamos a todos nuestros amigos y egresados que residen en: Puerto Rico, New Yor k, Los Ángeles,Florida, USA, en general y Europa a que aporten para poner de pie nuestra escuela nuevamente para continuar con nuestra misión de brindar una educación completa en las artes representativas del teatro y el baile en todas las técnicas que ofrecemos.

Por aqui podrán conocer un poco mas de nuestros profesores y diversos programas del cual nuestros alumnos se benefician.


  • Emmanuel De Jesus
    • $50
    • 7 anos
  • Anônimo
    • $20
    • 7 anos
  • Sheila Santin
    • $30
    • 7 anos
  • Juan Leiba
    • $40
    • 7 anos
  • Thania Acaron
    • $40
    • 7 anos

Organizador e beneficiário

Javier Lugo
Guaynabo, PR
Sandra Ramos

Seu lugar confiável, poderoso e fácil para obter ajuda

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    Sua doação é protegida pela Garantia de Doação GoFundMe