Red Mask Theater Building Repair
Red Mask Players is a community theater group in Danville, Illinois. Established in 1936, it is one of the oldest community theaters in the state. In 1962 Red Mask purchased the former Immanuel Presbyterian Church --soon renamed the Red Mask Fine Arts Center, and later The Kathryn Randolph Theater following the death of our first director in 1968.
Our building is around 115 years old and is in desperate need of some love and support. As you can see from the picture a part of our ceiling has come down, and it has caused our auditorium to be unusable until it is repaired. This has caused Red Mask to now find a location for our Fall Children’s Production.
Red Mask Players Board of Directors is committed to keeping the tradition and having our children production and our regular season. In order to do that, we are in need of support from friends, family, past and present Red Maskers. Please help support getting our beautiful home back in shape, so that we may continue to share our love of theater with the community, and their children
Donations will go toward the repair of our inner ceiling and make sure that this does not happen again. We will also be looking to repair and improve many other areas in our building that are damaged by water damage, including our downstairs men's restroom.
These repairs need to start as soon as possible so that we might be able to have our theater in working order for our Regular season Fall show "All Because of Agatha", which is set to begin rehearsal in September.
We want to make sure that our patrons have a safe and pleasant visit to our theater, and these repairs will help ensure that to happen. Please help Red Mask Players by donating to our building repair fund.
Thank you for your support!
Amanda Coutant
Red Mask Board President