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Redress Defamation of Character

Donazione protetta
 I have been defamed on a GoFundMe raiser, the organizer used my photo and personal information with out my permission. Starbucks is not a private corporation like Costco they are a public accommodation, they do not have the right to refuse service based on discrimination, there is no a medical doctor present to prescribe medical treatment, even so it would be mal practice, so many laws violated. Since I was labeled “Karen” on gofundme I have been sent death threats, even upon my children, and lost work, people have sent inappropriate hate mail to my physical address. My business reviews, my positive reviews I left on other businesses were attacked, my friends all networking were slandered by people who aren't even customers. This is because I was sticking up for myself against legitimate discrimination. This person did consent to taking a picture He made peace signs it’s on security cameras if a judge orders to see this. I have a 1st amendment right to accurately describe my experience on a review. I did not give anyone permission to use my photo, calling me a “Karen” using my name and profiting money there of off of it. I have been attacked for sticking up for our rights under california civil code 51a and ADA and HIPAA privacy rights. Thank you for understanding your love and support so I can use the funds to pay for legal fees to redress my character. This is a “David vs Goliath court battle and we need your support to protect all of our rights”


  • Anonima
    • $50
    • 1 yr
  • Anonima
    • $50
    • 1 yr
  • Anonima
    • $100
    • 1 yr
  • Anonima
    • $100
    • 1 yr
  • Anonima
    • $100
    • 1 yr


Amber Lynn
San Diego, CA

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