Redzone Garden
We are calling in our community to help support the realization of Redzone Garden. Redzone Garden is a community garden located on the east side of Detroit, growing food and herbs and providing a space for learning and connection in the city. We invision a space where we can gather in our love for the Earth, cultivating food, herbal medicine, community education and creativity. We hope to use our collective experience in community education, herbal medicine making, permaculture design and organic gardening to heal ourelves, the land and our community.
We are starting from square one, with only our knowledge and passion for growing, but few material resouces. Outlined below is a wishlist for the supplies we need with price estiamtes, listed from most urgent to least urgent. We are accepting donations of both supplies and money, and anything truly helps.
Goals for 2020:
Grow as. Much food/ medicine as we can
Greenhouse/ hoop house- $1,000
Corrugated tubing - (necessary for geothermal greenhouse.) $245.00
Geothermal- to extend the season and take advantage of the passive energy provided to us by the sun and the ability to store it by earth.
Rainwater catchment system - $275.00
Natural earth seating for community/ children $250.00
Necessary funds to cover private, utility,and/or municipal expenses to (acquire permits to: dig, mix/pour cement for foundation, cut and plant trees etc.) $50
Plant trees: 35.00 ea x 4= $140.00
Money to cover printing expenses for educational posters (museum style) containing information on the plants and the insects, birds, worms, and any other pollinator species’ that visit them. $50.00
Post harvest processing area- $225.00
Wood- $260
Soil- $300
Compost- $150
Upgraded composting system / area $200.00
Shovels $18.98 ea x 3= $56.94
Rakes $17.98 ea x 3 = $53.94
Hoes $19.98 ea x 2 $39.96
Chicken wire - $39.98 ea x 2 =$79.96
Mini Tiller/ cultivator - $349.00
String/ twine- $3.48 ea x 5 = $17.40
Mower - $169.00
Trowels- $9.98 ea x 5 = $29.94
Post hole Auger rental- $50.00
Native Seeds- $50.00
Transplants- $200.00
Grow lights $35.00
Trellis- $50.00
Lead soil test (michigan state university) $100
Dumpster rental -$50.00
Truck rental + mileage to move organic compost- $173
Gas- $50.00
Storage Shed- $250.00