Register People To Vote. Help Swing The 2024 Election
Donation protected
Hi! I'm Marc and I'm sending unregistered progressive/moderate/liberal people to their states online voter registration page. States focused on: NC, PA, OH, FL, NV
Why Get People Registered To Vote?
There are ~50,000,000 unregistered American people of voting age
Elections are decided by thousands of votes.
Is the current strategy working?
Before the 2020 presidential election the majority of voters – 95% or higher in most polls – say they have already decided who they're backing and can't be persuaded.
So why are political parties trying to convince registered voters to vote for them?
There are 44,000,000 more unregistered voters than undecided registered voters.
Performance So Far
For $10 you could get around 100 unregistered progressive/moderate/liberal people to their state’s respective online voter registration page
How Do I Do It?
I download Voter Files from each state's government. I upload the voter list to Meta Ads. I then target the state (ex: North Carolina) and I exclude all the people on the voter list (ex: in North Carolina). Then I layer on interest/age targeting like Jon Stewart, Rage Against the Machine, Beyonce, Taylor Swift and people that are 18-40 years old.
Now, I am targeting GenZ & Millennials who have interests that likely align them with progressive/moderate/liberal causes. Then I send them an ad (usually featuring state specific landscapes) telling them to Make Their Voice Heard and to Register to Vote. The ad directs them to their state's online voter registration website.
Performance So Far (again)
For $10 you could get around 100 unregistered progressive/moderate/liberal people to their state’s respective online voter registration page
Current Results
Marc Goldstein
Oakland, CA