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Rehab for Jules

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Hello, my name's Anna and I'm raising funds to try and help my oldest friend Jules, who's been having a tough time over the last few months.

In June, while undergoing spinal surgery for an existing condition, she sustained damage to her spinal cord and was subsequently hospitalised for almost four months. Having recently been discharged, she and her girls -Macy and Elisa, are trying to adjust to what is now a very different home life.

Unable to walk unaided and with other complications as a result of partial paralysis, Jules is currently confined to a couple of rooms on the ground floor of her home. She requires visits from carers and district nurses multiple times a day to take care of her nursing needs and also to help with everyday tasks such as food preparation, as she is currently unable to get into her own kitchen. So, as you can imagine, life is currently full of challenges. In her role as a children's nurse (most recently in public health for children in care & safeguarding), she is normally the one doing the caring, but at the moment, it is her who needs to be looked after.

Our main goal with the fundraising is to help fund some private physiotherapy and rehabilitation as the next twelve months or so will be crucial to the long term outcome. It would also be used to go towards things that might help to make life easier for both Jules and her girls while she continues her recovery.
This ordeal hasn't stopped her from getting to her beloved Harrogate Railway to shout orders from the sidelines, or to have a beer, but hopefully that, and life in general can be made a little easier with our efforts here.

There are fundraising initiatives in the pipeline as well, so watch this space.

Any donations will be very gratefully received.

Thanks so much in advance.

Anna xxx


Anna Sealby

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