Relief For Cheung Sheng
After multiple raging fires occurred in the early morning hours of November 2, 2020 in Hollister, CA, it was announced that one of the small businesses affected was family owned Cheung Sheng. The owners of this restaurant have always treated their guests with so much respect and kindness, always cooking from the heart and providing us with delicious Chinese cuisine. They have been such an important part of downtown Hollister and as a community, I would love for us to band together and help this family and their employees during such a difficult time. Insurance or not, we all know how hard COVID-19 has impacted business everywhere. That being said, I would love to raise money for the owners of Cheung Sheng, to help relieve some of the financial burden, as they navigate towards starting over after such a devastating and truly heartbreaking loss. I will be providing them with a final check and a list of everyone that has contributed to the campaign, unless they would like to remain anonymous. I would also like to donate a portion of the proceeds to one of my closest friends who happened to be a waitress at Cheung Sheng and is a young, single mother to two children under 6 and was trying to start over after a very difficult life changing event that I will be keeping private out of respect for her and her children. We all know that COVID-19 has also made it hard for people to go through unemployment and that it can be an extremely lengthy and difficult process, so this portion would help her and her little ones get by in the time being.
Hollister is a small town, but is filled with so many bighearted people that know how to band together and help each other during the difficult times!
Thank you all so very much in advance for your care, kindness and generosity! I know the family and employees of Cheung Sheng will appreciate this.