Relief for Families Affected by Bronx Fire
Tax deductible
On Sunday, January 9 our community witnessed a tragedy in the Fordham Heights section of the Bronx. A 5-alarm fire destroyed the homes of many of our the Gambian Youth Organization (GYO) community members at 333 East 183rd Street. At the moment, at least 19 people have been pronounced dead, including young children, and dozens others have sustained life-threatening injuries.
We ask that you help us support the victims of this tragedy. All proceeds will be distributed to the families by the Gambian Youth Organization (GYO).
Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un (Surely we belong to Allah and to him we shall return).
Jazakallah Khair
News Articles:
The Gambian Youth Organization (GYO) is a non-profit organization located in 214 East 181 Bronx, NY 10457. "Where the community comes first. Building a society of ambitious and confident youth, to serve as future leaders."
The Gambian Youth Organization (GYO) is a non-profit organization located in 214 East 181 Bronx, NY 10457. "Where the community comes first. Building a society of ambitious and confident youth, to serve as future leaders."
Gambian Youths Organization