Relief for Staff of MBBV & Solaire
Hello Friends and Family of Meads Bay Beach Villas and Solaire,
As many of you already know, the island of Anguilla was recently devastated by Hurricane Irma. While we are thankful that none of our staff or their families were injured in the storm, the road to heal, recover, and rebuild will be a long one. I know Anguilla holds a special place in many of your hearts and we are working tirelessly from the US to help coordinate recovery efforts for our amazing staff.
For now we have created a fund to donate directly to the staff of Meads Bay Beach Villas and Solaire. All proceeds will go directly to our employees to help them get through this difficult time and we encourage anyone who has met this special group of people to contribute in any way possible. At this time it is nearly impossible to get care packages and material items into Anguilla, so our plan is to collect the money here in the US and then send or take it directly to the island for the recovery efforts. We will work out the most effective way to get every dollar donated to our staff members at both properties. Over the years they have become my second family and I know many of you can say the same. Please help them during this difficult time in their lives.
Moving forward I am sure there will be larger fundraising programs set up and we encourage you to donate to those as well, but until they emerge we wanted to get started on helping our staff in the quickest and most direct way possible. We feel that this is the best way to do that.
I will continue to provide updates via email as we learn more from Anguilla, and we greatly appreciate all of the kind words and support many of you have already offered. Thank you again and please continue to keep Anguilla and its people in your thoughts and prayers.
Tom McInerney
Meads Bay Beach Villas
Solaire Anguilla
Chris Miller
Meads Bay Beach Villas
Solaire Anguilla