Relief from financial burden & expenses not covered by ins.
Donation protected
Note: I began this campaign in November 2021. Unfortunately, as scleroderma is a chronic condition, my expenses (approximately $500.00 per month, detailed below in Dec 6 2022 Update) are continual, making me continually more dependent on the generosity of others. Please understand that the total amount I am requesting needs to keep getting larger as most of what has already generously been donated has been spent over the entire duration of this campaign. Only when these funds begin to run low do I update this campaign and reach out once again. Thank you for your kindness and understanding. See below about me.
Hi my name is Ron Prieston, I am 58 years old. (some may know me as Ron from Centennial Appraisals). I live in Calgary Alberta. In 1987, I was diagnosed with Scleroderma. Back then my only symptoms were poor circulation in my hands and feet. This year I had a major setback. I was diagnosed with Afib in March 2021. Second week of May I landed up in the hospital, and was put on oxygen 24/7. Had a chest CT scan and the doctors recommended a lung transplant. A stroke in July and another hospital stay in August. My health has been getting worse. The pulmonary hypertension doc said half the people at my stage will die within 2 years. I suffer from extreme confusion and exhaustion which can make me sleep 10 hours. I am single, don't know how to cook, and now on a 2000 mg sodium diet to prevent water collecting around the heart and lower legs. I don't drive my car anymore as I am too weak to carry the portable oxygen.
I need help for expenses like home care that are not covered by my Canada disability and AISH payments. I do have a part time job as a web admin, but my worsening condition means that along with medical expenses, things I used to do for myself I now have to pay for.
I appreciate all donations no matter the size more than I can say!
Ronald Allen Prieston
Calgary, AB