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Help Emily debut her new fashion line!

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Are you looking for a way to make a meaningful impact and help a friend achieve her dreams?

My name is Jesse and I'm reaching out to ask for your support in helping my dear friend and former roommate, Emily Z, launch her fashion label called Remarkable Red. Inspired by redheads like herself, Emily has created a stunning line of clothing that is ready to hit the runway and be showcased to the world.

Emily has faced many challenges in her journey to become a successful fashion designer, including a rough recession, health complications, and limited job opportunities. However, with her unwavering determination and incredible talent, she has managed to become a production manager in multiple local fashion businesses. Now, Emily is ready to take her career to the next level and launch her own fashion label, but she needs your help to do it.

With your contributions, Emily can produce more dresses, transport garments, and rent and staff a booth at the upcoming AmericasMart Atlanta trade show, which is one of the largest permanent wholesale trade centers in the world. This is a prime opportunity for her to showcase her remarkable clothing to boutique owners from across the country, who attend these events to make wholesale orders to stock their stores.

You’d not only help her make a splash in AmericasMart and the world of fashion, but you’d also support a small woman-owned business. Your contribution will go a long way in helping Emily reach a wider audience and take her career to new heights.

As a supporter of Emily's campaign, you will be recognized on her company blog and social media channels. You will also find regular updates on her journey on social media. If you’re unable to donate, that’s okay! You can share this campaign with your friends. Let’s do what we can to turn this hard-working woman’s dream into reality. Thank you!

Learn more at Remarkable Red.

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Jesse Alston
Houston, TX
Emily Zimmerman

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