Remembering Carl Palmer
Carl Palmer, husband, father, son, brother to many, friend to all, passed away suddenly and unexpectedly Saturday August 31st in North Dakota. The loves of his life were simple. His family, friends, fishing and dirt biking. His passing has left his family with a great unknown of what will come.
Carl was a long time oil field worker who spent long weeks in remote North Dakota to support his family. His wife Brandi is a bus driver in the Coos Bay. Being married nearly 20 years, they have shared their ups and downs, as any married couple have, but have always found themselves right back to where they began. Together. His love and admiration of her never left, and her respect and caring for him has never changed. Now, her life has crumbled. And she's facing the unforeseen, and their family needs our help!
They are facing the cost of bringing him home to Coos Bay Oregon, services in Coos Bay, and then traveling to Colorado for services in Grand Junction so his family and friends there can say their final goodbyes. When friends come together in time of needs, we can move mountains.
We need to bring Carl home now. His family needs to have him with them. We can't let them wait to have their husband and father 1500 miles away in North Dakota. It's imperative that we work together to make this work. I know as a team we will rise up and take care of who we love!
Brandi and Carl are my closest friends. I will do anything for them. Their children and my children are like siblings. And when I heard of Carl's passing I felt as though I lost my own brother. I am sure many have as well. This would help so many of his family to be together with their father, grandfather and uncle. There is nothing worse than never getting to say goodbye.
Thank you so much for giving what you can. Carl was a very humble man. And he always gave to family. I know, because we argued over who bought groceries everytime I would visit. "Family doesn't buy my groceries". Let's not let his family have to struggle with much right now.