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On April 13th, 2023 at approximately 11 PM a beautiful 16 yr. Old young man Kyle Limper passed away from an infection in his blood caused by discovering that day he had leukemia. Before April 13th he was a completely healthy and happy young man with no sign of illness. It just came and took him on the same day. He passed peacefully and was surrounded by supporting and loving people.
Kyle is survived by his Mother Josephine (Jodi) Taffe, Father Kenneth Limper, Brother Justin Taffe, and Sister Kaitlyn Petner. The mark Kyle left on all our hearts is incomparable to anything in this world. He did more in his short 16 years and touched more lives with his selflessness, generosity, friendship, and love than most would in a lifetime.
Kyle was a High school football player for Kensington, wrestled, and ran track. He aspired to become a college football athlete and wrestling champion. His love for sports and education was unmatched as he maintained straight A’s and made the honor roll many times as well as perfect attendance.
After high school Kyle wanted to go on to college to study criminal law and go into the CSI or FBI, He wanted to become that so badly that he applied and was accepted into a program where he would have studied with real CSI agents in Washington DC this summer. This all stems from his love of superheroes which he wanted to be. He wanted to stop all the bad evil in this world by putting all the criminals behind bars. So people could live their best lives safely. That was Kyle always thinking about everyone else.
He loved to embrace the best of what life had to offer him. Now with heavy hearts, we must live our best life for Kyle. Kyle Limper is a love that will be with us forever.
We hope to use the funds raised to assist with the medical and funeral expenses as well as any support services for his siblings and family.
Kenneth Limper
Philadelphia, PA