Ready, Set,Survive Renee's Organic Oven
Dear Tucson, We had t o deactivate this account. I know the gofundme team is very busy but we are unable to get any team member to resolve the processing of donations being given to us. So we have no other choice than to deactivate our account. Anyone who gave a donation and we did not receive it, I did write you a note here with the only form of contact I have for you. It was only those who donated in April.
Thank you so much. Please reach me anytime at [email redacted]
If your donation did not reach us we sent you the following message <3
"We really appreciate you supporting us, we unfortunately can't reach anyone at gofundme after several attempts to assist us. This has resulted in me making the difficult choice to deactivate this campaign as I can get proper attention to how to receive the donations you are all making. Most donations went through successfully to us, you are receiving this message because we are unable to receive yours. This is a recent issue and means your generous donation is unable to be withdrawn. Please make sure they do not charge you the amount you donated as we are not receiving it from them. I understand they are extremely busy and I have tried to be both thorough and patient but this is very concerning and disappointing to me.
Much love,
[email redacted] "
We are all going through this together and we are looking forward to a brighter day soon. As many of your favorite things to do, people you cherish,
and places that make Tucson such a special place to you are all struggling while responding to this crisis, please know that we are doing everything we can to be here for you and to stay strong over here. We all need a little extra love right now. We are grateful to be among the many places that hold a
special place in your heart. Remember we all miss you and love what we do here, our goal is to be with you again very soon.
The well being of our community is a unified top priority and the needed steps we all gladly took in hopes for the best outcome for all are not without consequences. We as an industry were not prepared for anything of this magnitude. Here we are now with a new reality of how hard and for some of us how devastating this is.
We all had something so out of our control take so many possibilities away overnight;we are aware and empathize knowing that this is going to be a
tough recovery for all. Please also reach out to us if we can be of service to someone in need of prepared meals.
I do know this about restaurant people; we are really good at high intensity work, pushing through, uniting and living another day.
It is in moments like this that we all seek to do everything we can to be here for each other in such a way that we can thrive again one day soon.
What we are asking is for you to invest in us in any way that is the most meaningful and possible for you
Your support will serve all of us and our operation in the best possible way so we can navigate this ongoing crisis.
With the understanding of the transmission rate of this virus, the impact on the medical and economic systems, and the people around the world, I did begin to prepare our process and our team for the possible closure of all restaurants.
In addition to that stress we are certainly hoping we all remain healthy and working.
Understanding it does not mean that I could financially and physiologically prepare for the negative consequences that I can't control.
We have to worry about the fact that March, April and May are our strongest months and they are what helps ready our business for the Tucson Summer and that is no longer possible.
Now we are all hoping to stay open to even have the opportunity to struggle.
This is typically a time waitstaff make the money they need, this is a time the kitchen typically gets a bonus of extra cash, catering gratuity, and events
This is a time as a business owner we don't typically have to worry about payroll, rent and taxes, food, utilities and getting a personal income.
All of this changed dramatically and many small businesses of every kind are extremely vulnerable or already closed to wait this out as the only way.
I am Happy to Inform you that there are other ways that your support is keeping us busy right now and that is through our Touch Free Take Out
What is Touch Free Take Out? Other than a sign of the times....You will totally still feel our love!
Here at Renee's Organic Oven we have developed a process we feel is the best that we can offer for you and for each other.
- Orders are called in
- Orders are paid over the phone at the time of placing your order
- You will be asked about gratuity/ tip over the phone as many people want to tip and the only way to do this over the phone to not have to sign
- When you arrive remain in your car and call us
- We will let you know when its ready and place it on the table order checked and ready to go
- There is no access to come inside. We have a lovely pick up station for you outside and your order is not placed there until you call upon arrival
- We Will ensure we only use clean hands when touching any and all items.
- We will sanitize each shared item of any kind we use
- We do not have a public restroom
-You are able to have bottles of wine and beers for pick up with any food order being placed
- We love you all. Be safe and #gohomehomies #socialdistancing #wecandothis #keepcalmandcarryout
This was urgent before it felt urgent.
Be Kind and Stay Home
We are grateful you for your continued connection
Much love,
Renee, Steve, and The Crew
*If you are guest seeking to reach a specific staff member please email me and I can connect the two of you so that you can directly give to them
*Although we had originally started this as an expansion opportunity, we had to pause that project and focus on staying strong over here, we just about to sign our lease the week this happened. Our lawyer has been amazing, our landlord has been a true partner in this and our architect has been more than fair and kind all while looking forward to a brighter future together.
We had to switch up this #gofundme to a #SmallBusinessRelief outreach rather than start a new one we figured this is the best to keep our connection to you, inform you where we are at now and where we go from here.
Just so much love and blessings for us all. We will keep you updated