Repair Taylor’s car
Hello family and friends.
I have never had to do one of these , but we are tying to help our daughter. She is an amazing, selfless, loving daughter and mom! Whom we are so proud of. She hasbeen through hell these passed couple days.
Taylor had her vehicle stolen outside of her house and was gone for 7 days. The police caught the perpetrator driving her vehicle, however expecting to get her car back the way it was when she purchased was unfortunately sabotaged!
She is needing to come up with the deductible to have her car repaired , however since the car is an older the model the after market warranty she purchased can’t cover the extended damaged. Her transmission is shot, there are dents on the outside of the car not to mention the interior needs to be majorly detailed and hopefully can be repaired and be able to drive again.
Taylor bought this car all on her own withno help! She works very hard for her family and her daughter and making sure shewould have a safe vehicle to drive her daughter in and drive to and from work knowing that she was safe and not worry about car troubles and unfortunately due to some troubles souls they robbed that happiness from her.
Please if you can find it in your heart to help her we would so appreciate it and we know she definitely will be so grateful.