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Repair flood damage in Peru

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We are two Peruvian students currently  living in the US.  We were looking for ways to help and the only one we cound find was to help raise money to send to our country. 

Peru is going through one of the most terrible natural disasters  of its history.
There are 72.000 people that were directly affected by the flooding, 62 people died , 11 remain missing and  170  were injured. ( Stadistics till yesterday morning, there were 3 more huaycos*  on 3/18 morning)
The flooding is currently affecting the north coast of Peru.

The money we will raise will go strictly to buy food, blankets, medicine and water for those in need.
It will go to the Scouts of Peru Association , whose National Leader is Milton Larco.

The program we will be donating is called: Operacion siempre listos. 


Please feel free to ask any question and to send us any concern or other ways to help that you may have.

Jimena Ojeda
Stephanie Zurita


Stephanie Zurita
Rexburg, ID

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