Repatriar el cuerpo de Jacinto noh Canche a Mexico
El programa de Jornaleros y La Colectiva de Mujeres de Dolores Street Community Services apoya esta campaña y da gracias a Juan De Dios Tziu Chi por lanzarla. Pedimos a toda la gente que se solidaricen con la familia de Jacinto Noh Canché. El fue un miembro activo jornalero que siempre apoyo a la comunidad como trabajador esencial y se arriesgo, saliendo a la calle, apoyando a combatir el coronavirus, siempre con una sonrisa y actitud de vida. Hemos perdido a un gran compañero por la violencia y pedimos apoyo para su familia en este tiempo de dolor.
-Francisco Herrera, Co-Direcdtor
Hello my name is Juan Tziu I am from Ignacio Manuel altamirano Mexico Q,ROO, I am raising funds to be able to send the body of Jacinto noh canche that is from the same town as me, who was a victim of homicide in San Francisco Ca, he was committed to his work and was a volunteer in a program named San Francisco Day Labor Program for 3 years, you can research his story on google. Jacinto's older brother Felipe contacted me, asking me to help them in some way to repatriate the body of his little brother. The family of Jacinto cannot afford the cost of the funeral service. I offered myself to help them since they have no other contact besides me. As a friend of Jacinto, I would appreciate from the bottom of my heart for your donations. God bless all your good help and I'm sure Jacinto family will be grateful.
The Day Labor Program and Women’s Collective of Dolores Street Community Services supports this crucial campaign and thanks Juan De Dios Tziu Chi for launching it. We ask everyone to please support the family of Jacinto Noh Canché. Jacinto was an active Day Laborer who always supported the community as an essential worker, even risking his health doing outreach and education to combat the coronavirus, always with a smile and a lively attitude. We have lost a great companion to violence and we ask for support for his family in this time of pain.
-Francisco Herrear, Co-Director