Republishing the Original Pilgrim Allegory
After a confirmed diagnosis of early-onset dementia, making me "unemployable," I have decided by the encouragement of many to proceed with republishing of an unknown literary classic. This campaign is NOT to raise money directly for me, as the video suggests, but for this project.
Hello, my name is Timothy L. Price. I have published books for other people for eleven years. In 2016, I got out of publishing because I felt God was leading me in other directions. However, in 2020, I got the diagnosis of a lifetime: Doctors told me I now have early-onset dementia.
This upset everything. I lost my job. I had to sell my house and move into a 510 sq ft apartment because it all I could afford.
I didn't take all this sitting down. I dusted off an old dream of republishing the original pilgrim allegory: The Labyrinth of the World and the Paradise of the Heart.
Why would I do this?
1. Tom Sawyer just isn't the same without Norman Rockwell's artwork. So too, Labyrinth is not the same without artwork like it was originally published with. I want to commission new original artwork for this book and give it the treatment it deserves. No versions (except for a $850 collectors editions) have artwork in them
2. I want to make this book more approachable for a wider audience. Therefore, I have adapted to a narrative style that is more readable. In addition, I intend to make Labyrinth available in audiobook, and ebook, as well as the traditional print format so that anyone can enjoy this wonderful book in various ways.
3. I want to make this book available for a specific outreach to foreign students who are trying to learn English. With the audiobook version, students can listen, read and a facilitator can discuss the "meaning" of the book.
4. To celebrate the 400th anniversary of the original publication with a production that is worthy of this astounding book, which remains virtually unknown.
a. Printing $18,000 (3000 copies print/audiobook)
b. Artwork $3000
c. Typesetting/Cover $3000
d. Website $900
e. Rewards $1200
f. Advertising $2600
g. Audiobook production $4100
h. Packaging/Shipping $1200
i. Cushion $2000
I would love you to partner with me in this effort. In the parlance of one lyricist, I'll get by with a little help from my friends.
For specific levels of giving I will give back to you.
$100 I will send you a signed, numbered copy of the hardbound collector's edition that will be in full-color
$500 will get you the same as the first PLUS a CD version of the audiobook, and ebook, and a softbound black and white edition
$1000 will get you the same as the first two AND, I will put your name as a "top-donor" inside the book (or a dedication to someone)
$1500 will get you the same as the first three BUT, I will make a 24x30 inch framed art piece that will have the cover art and several of the interior illustrations all nested and matted. The framed art piece and collector's edition hardbound will be numbered the same.
Thank you for your consideration.
Here are some additional resources:
Two recent interviews: