Rescue Craft Co (RCC) Logistics + Supplies Fund
Hello Everyone!
Morgan here. As most of you are connected to us on our Facebook Group: Rescue Craft Co, we have been an active craft/supply/group helping small carers help our wildlife across Australia during this massive bush fire crisis. As many of you know I started this group back in November of 2019. We originated from The Northern Rivers area of NSW (Suffolk Park/Byron Bay), but have grown to have hubs in every state across the country. Each of these hubs support the local carers in their state and area, through our network. Where supplies are needed HQ ships off necessary supplies to our hubs, and the hubs get the specific items to the carers in need. If anyone out there is or knows a carer in need please get in touch with your wish list. We do not send direct cash in most situations we try to buy the items and have the items either shipped directly to the carer or to the hub that is distributing.
Our head of logistics + admin extraordinaire, Fiona Toltz Gower (otherwise known as Fi/Fee - you have probably see her pop up on our Facebook page) has set up a separate personal bank account that the money will go into. Again, 100% of everything donated will go to the carers + animals affected by the fires. We are all volunteers and just want to get supplies to where they are needed most :) The donations will be spent directly through Fiona at our local post office, as well as online and locally at our chemist for the other tricky supplies (Wombaroo, Flamazine etc.
We have dedicated our group to helping the ‘little guys.’ The carers that are often being missed. We have prided ourselves on not taking money and providing a space where people can use alternative methods to help our wildlife- like crafting! When items were needed, such as medical supplies, we made amazon lists, had click and collect campaigns started through grocery stores + chemists, all to ensure our members felt safe and in control of their donations.
The time has come where our team has dug so deep in our own pockets (and friends and families pockets) that we humbly
need to ask for your help financially.
We have run into some issues with our discounted post method our amazing post office had set us up with, and are now having to pay full price to get these packages out to carers. We are also in dire need of certain items that are harder to get/or donated less often such as: Flamazine (a prescription is needed), Wombaroo, and other specific medical supplies.
For these reasons we are asking for your help. We have persevered for nearly 3 months on our own dime, but now are
turning to you to help us keep moving forward. As our network continues to grow, and those of you donations crafts and supplies continue to send off packages, we don’t want to lose this momentum!
Thank you for any and all donations. We appreciate your support and will continue to be a transparent grass roots initiative to help our animals the best we can.
x Morgan Leigh + RCC Team
Facebook: Rescue Craft Co
Instagram: @rescuecraftco