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Rescue dog needs medical treatment

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Meet Soggy:
This dog was abandoned by his owners in the flood waters of Hurricane Florence outside of Lumberton, North Carolina. Thankfully he was one of the many pets saved by a volunteer search and rescue team that gladly risked their lives for the lives of animals. The young dog was found infested with fleas and covered in scars, overheated and surrounded by rising water.
It all started on Saturday, September 15th  2018 when two friends (Karl Loftus, Ernie Renn) dropped everything and headed into one of the most devastating storms in NC history, armed with nothing but a boat and a full tank of gas. They responded to dozens of rescue calls, saving the lives of people and animals in the city's of Leland, Fayetteville, Whiteville and Lumberton-where Soggy was found.

Shelters were almost non-existent in the areas effected by the hurricane and the few that were open would only take pets accompanied by their owners, so Karl decided to adopt the friendly Pitbull on the spot. After returning home, a trip to the vet proved Soggy to be heartworm positive.  Heartworm is a parasite spread from host to host through the bites of mosquitoes, that if left untreated can result in serious disease and congestive heart failure. Unfortunately, Soggy is suffering from advance stages of heartworm and requires immediate treatment before the adult worms spread from his heart to his lungs.

Heartworm treatment is very expensive and involves months of medication, injections, tests, x-rays, recovery and observation. In addition, he needs DHPP, Rabies and Bordetella vaccines as well as flea and tick medication. Lastly he must also undergo an operation to be neutered.  This dog has lived a horrible first couple years of his life and needs everyone's help.  In a time where the country is coming together to help the  people displaced by hurricane Florence, we would like to remind you that roughly 4 million animals were left behind to drown in this storm.  Please help us in covering this lucky guys treatment, so that he can finally live the happy and healthy life he deserves. Any amount will contributeto his survival.

Thank you all.


  • Derek Reijnen
    • 25 $
    • 6 Jahre
  • Sam Sink
    • 49 $
    • 6 Jahre
  • Anonym
    • 80 $
    • 6 Jahre
  • Gillian Galdy
    • 10 $
    • 6 Jahre
  • Thomas Toepfer
    • 50 $
    • 6 Jahre


Karl Loftus
Durham, NC

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