RESCUE Tortoises from entombment on ITP sites!
Donation protected
Incidental Take Permits (ITPs) were issued from 1991-2007 in the state of Florida. Saving Florida's Gopher Tortoises rescues tortoises off of these sites before they are entombed or buried alive under new homes or construction.
Help us rescue 1000+ gopher tortoises!! There are 25,000+ gopher tortoises estimated on undeveloped or partially developed Incidental Take Permit sites throughout the state of Florida right now!! These tortoises are in IMMINENT DANGER AND WE CAN SAVE THEM!!
Incidental Take Permits (ITPs) were issued from 1991-2007. Developers could pay a mitigation fee and obtain an ITP allowing them to bury the tortoises and commensal species onsite rather than relocating them. In 2007, the species was uplisted to threatened and ITPs are no longer allowed to be purchased. HOWEVER, 100% of the ITPs issued up to 2007 were GRANDFATHERED IN AND ARE NON-EXPIRING.
Help us rescue 1000+ gopher tortoises!! There are 25,000+ gopher tortoises estimated on undeveloped or partially developed Incidental Take Permit sites throughout the state of Florida right now!! These tortoises are in IMMINENT DANGER AND WE CAN SAVE THEM!!
Incidental Take Permits (ITPs) were issued from 1991-2007. Developers could pay a mitigation fee and obtain an ITP allowing them to bury the tortoises and commensal species onsite rather than relocating them. In 2007, the species was uplisted to threatened and ITPs are no longer allowed to be purchased. HOWEVER, 100% of the ITPs issued up to 2007 were GRANDFATHERED IN AND ARE NON-EXPIRING.
Saving Florida’s Gopher Tortoises partners with developers to rescue tortoises on sites with these grandfathered ITPs.
Thank you kindly for donating!! ❤️
Carissa Kent
Orlando, FL