Michelle Mosley's Fight for Recovery Fund
Donation protected

My dear friend, Michelle Mosley, and I have been friends since Kindergarten circa 1975 at Hatton McCredie School.
Michelle moved away from Missouri to Minnesota in Junior High but as good friends do, we have kept in close contact over the years. As true friends, we’re here for each other.
Michelle has an infectious laugh, a spirit that is beyond measure and, as long as I can remember, goes her own way. Her long ginger hair may have something to do with that. When life throws something difficult at her I can just hear her saying “Oh Yeah, We’ll see about that!
Her friends and family will tell you she is huge animal lover that lives for her rescue dogs who are also her furry anti-depressants. All of those qualities together make her someone you won’t soon forget.
Well, life has decided to present Michelle with the Big C - Breast Cancer. In true Michelle form, she has chosen to fight this disease on her own terms. She didn't have insurance when she found the first tumor so she did her best constantly researching an overwhelming amount of more natural, holistic options online and utilizing as many as she could.
High doses of intravenous (IV) Vitamin C and IV ALA infusions have helped slow her cancer down and decrease the pain but now requires more than she can afford.
Eventually, Michelle obtained insurance and was officially diagnosed in March 2016 with ER+/PR+/HER2+ Stage 3A.
Unfortunately her veins stopped cooperating so she had to go without most treatments for a month until they could finally get her a PICC Line that eliminated the need for daily needle sticks. During this time without the IV vitamin C, the cancer grew and spread quickly to Stage 4.
Her new oncologist supports the benefits of continuing the IV vitamin infusions and convinced her to also try medications Herceptin and Perjeta. Insurance usually covers 50-75% but Michelle still has high deductibles and copays that have added up too quickly.
Always the independent trooper, Michelle continued to work as much as she could in order to keep her job and insurance but, due to 9+ treatments weekly and all the side effects and exhaustion, her hours eventually dwindled from full time down to nothing this year. She applied for Long Term Disability, Social Security Disability and various other charities for financial aid, all of which is like a part-time job just to keep up with that paperwork. Unfortunately, her out of pocket costs have already added up to over $50,000, in addition to normal bills. On top of everything, it is frightening to think that the very things that are keeping her alive, her treatments, could be cut off for lack of funds to even keep up with minimal payments. In the meantime, her cancer progresses.
This GO FUND ME account has been created to help Michelle survive this battle and hopefully allow her to afford even more advanced therapies.
Please consider any financial assistance you or someone you know can share. All donations will be ever so greatly appreciated.
Funds will go directly to Michelle’s medical bills for past and future treatments. Please help us make sure that she returns to health and remains here as a dear friend and family member as well as sweet momma to her rescue puppies.
With our deepest appreciation and gratitude,
Andrea Taylor
Michelle Mo
Eden Prairie, MN