Restoration of the Bell Cabin
Tax deductible
"There are treasures in our culture that need to be preserved and brought forward. It is part of the legacy we leave for future generations" - Heritage Woodworks
We're raising money to restore the Bell cabin currently located in Washington Park. Later this year, the cabin is scheduled to be dismantled, each log will be refurbished and repaired, then the cabin will be reassembled on a new foundation behind the Dow House in Dow City. We have partnered with a company that is certified to restore historic log cabins. Not only do they have skilled craftsmen, they also use period-accurate practices to complete the restoration. Once the cabin is completed, visitors will enjoy an authentic sense of pioneer living in the mid 1800s and what the earliest settlers of our great county endured for the betterment of future generations.
Sandlandes Bell and his family sailed from Glasgow, Scotland on May 25, 1855 and landed six weeks later in New York City. Traveling by railroad, boat, and wagon they arrived in Bigler's Grove, four miles west of Woodbine, where John Jeffrey, brother of Mrs. Bell had been living for several years. They arrived on September 5, 1855 with thirty five cents.
In November of the next year they built their first log cabin and were among the first 235 people in Crawford County.
A year later, the Bell family built their cabin just north of Dow City. The land is commonly known by Dow City residents as the old greyhound farm and the Brasel property.
In 1926, the cabin was moved to its current location in Washington Park. It was the first museum of its kind in the county and some of the artifacts it housed can now be seen at the McHenry house. For many, the cabin brings back fond memories of the annual old settlers picnics where the early pioneers of the county were celebrated.
Almost 100 years ago, members in our community rallied to preserve the cabin, they saw the importance of teaching future generations the way of life for the earliest settlers of Crawford County. We owe it to our future generations to never forget our heritage. Let's rally again and let the legacy of our Crawford County Pioneers to never be forgotten!
Any donation amount will be greatly appreciated and will be 100% tax deductible.
Thank you!
More information about the Bell Cabin in this short video:
Amy Pieper
Denison, IA
Friends of the Dow House Inc