Restoritive justice for Sean Swain
Hello folks the goal of this GoFundMe is to have legal representation, a lawyer, take a look at Sean's case on compassionate grounds. Sean has spent 25 years in the American prison system. I am not seeking to have him evade accountability but rather I believe that there is nothing about prison that it actually accountable, only punitive, and I would like to visit other options for restorative justice outside the walls of the prison so Sean can heal, grow, and live. Sean means the world to me and it would mean a whole bunch to see him free. Anything helps.
I am fighting for justice for her long time pen pal and friend Sean Swain. Sean Swain has been held without fair trial since 1991, and has most recently been accused of being part of a Prison group called the Army of 12 Monkeys which attacked prison officials. He has no affiliation to the group and was targeted because of his anarchist beliefs. I know many people hear the word anarchist and assume violence, however, anarchism is based on the premise of living in a world without hierarchy and violence - many social justice political orientations come from anarchism. For example egalitarian decision making, prefigurative politics, organizing without hierarchy, peaceful protest can all find some roots in anarchism. Some of your WCW's are anarchists such as Angela Davis! The state has often targeted communists, anarchists, Marxists, leftists in general - so please take the time to sign this petition and support Sean's attempt to get a lawyer.
When Sean appealed his case he did not have effective counsel and therefore was not adequately represented. Sean needs a chance at freedom and to do that he needs adequate representation in the court. Sean goes up for parole in August 2021.