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Retirement Gift for Susan

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After many years of hard work, my mom - Susan Anderson - officially retired this past January. She spent tireless hours supporting companies and, most recently, the local hospital with their contracts, insurance and risk. She was a mentor to many and an amazing mom to myself, Josh and Kale. We could not have asked for a better role model and cheerleader. No matter what was on her plate, Mom was always there for us and blazed a path for us all to succeed.

To give something back to Mom for everything she gave to us, we want to give her the ultimate retirement gift - an all-expenses paid trip to see Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band in Seattle on February 27, 2023. For those who know, our Mom is a huge Bruce Springsteen fan but sadly has never seen him in concert. All three of us were raised on Bruce, and she often utilized Bruce songs to teach us many of life's lessons. We have fond memories of jamming to Bruce on our road trips to North Dakota or dancing to Bruce with Mom when we should have been doing our chores. Bruce recently announced an extensive world tour which many argue might be one of his last. It has ALWAYS been her dream to see him live, and we would like to make that dream a reality, to honor her contributions in the workplace and thank her for all she's done for our family and community.

Therefore, we want to raise $2,250, covering two tickets to see Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band in Seattle (tickets have been purchased), round trip airfare from Spokane to Seattle for two people, and accommodation for two nights.

We would appreciate any support in making her dream a reality, so please consider donating, even if it's only $5. Along with donations, please feel free to leave any comments or well wishes regarding my Mom's retirement, which I'll happily share with her.

Thank you in advance for your support. And as Bruce says in Badlands - "Talk about a dream,
Try to make it real!"

-Josh, Kale, Nathan and Whitney


Whitney Pfeifer
Coeur d'Alene, ID

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