Fund the Return Of Art with Falaah
Who is Falaah Shabazz?
As a child I was encouraged to use my imagination, pushed to be an entrepreneur and destined to share my creativity. I would like to be able to talk about how my long time childhood desire was to become a photographer but it wasn’t that way. I was born to a woman who wanted better for me and my older brother and a man determined to make that a reality.
Actually I stumbled into photography; I began doing Graphic Design about four years prior to photography. I was working on a project for a local band. The previous photographer was not available and they suggested that I give shooting their photographs a try. I picked up my little Nikon point and shoot and off to the alley we went. Amazingly, that is when my love affair with photography began. No formal training, no mentors or professional equipment, just raw untainted passion. I used social networking to find subjects and to financially support my new addiction, PHOTOGRAPHY!
My first love in photography is editorial fashion; I love the lighting and creativity , I love the complexity and the opportunity that it gives me to tell the world a story through my images. So now after 6 years of self-training and too many ups and downs to name, I feel it proper to call myself a professional. I am embarking on a journey of awesome creativity and success please, wont you join me?
WOW!! THAT WAS 13 YEARS AGO... Since then I have retired but now, I can't lie, I miss it!
It's time to return to my first love... PHOTOGRAPHY!
You know when I first started this journey, I was amazed at all the energy and time it took to capture one single image. I can’t recall the actual day, but I do remember the feeling of wanting to be the person that could capture such amazing images.
After having that awesome feeling in the bottom of my stomach, you would think that my love for photography would never leave my soul, but sadly that feeling slowly faded away. All of a sudden it seemed like anyone who had a camera in thier hands wanted to be a photographer. I felt like they were making a mockery of my beloved craft. I honestly didn't know what to do. Everywhere I turned, it seemed everyone was a photographer and in some aspect, it seemed as if it was a joke. "Oh, you're a photographer too, so is my cousin?", so on and so on.
Now, I know it was foolish but at that moment, I just couldn't take it anymore. I turned my back on my passion and began doing everything under the sun just so I could to try to forget about photography. I tried everything from customizing cars, flying drones, I WAS DESPERATE!!! I NEEDED TO FILL THIS VOID. Then, I became a truck driver, and still, nothing could ever replace that feeling, that natural high that only photography could give me. It seemed like everyone including my closest friends and strangers were telling me that I was making a big mistake if I gave it up, of course I didn't think they knew what they were talking about. Seemed like everyone knew it, but me.
So now I'm back... I'm back to pursue my true passion and my first love, but I want you to know, I can't do it without you. Unfortunately, photography is a very expensive business and if I have to do it all over again by myself, it could take me a very long time to accumulate everything I need. I am so eager to hit the ground running and share my renewed passion for “The Art of Photography”. I ask that if you want to give, that you please only give from your heart.
Thank you
Falaah Shabazz
What your donations will buy?
Canon 5D Mark IV $3500.00
Canon 24-70mm f2.8 II $1799.00
Canon 70-200mm f2.8 II $1299.00