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Reunite the Adoms

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Hello friends, family, and coworkers!

Our beloved friend and mechanic here at FTSI, George Adom, has been working in the United States for 3 years while he supports his family back home in Ghana.  Unfortunately, he hasn’t had the chance to visit his wife and son for atleast two years now… However, after all of his dedicated work and sacrifice, he has finally received fantastic news to learn that his wife was FINALLY approved and issued a visa to work in the United States! George plans to fly back and help move all of their belongings back to Pennsylvania so they can start a new chapter of their lives TOGETHER. 

To make their transition smoother, please feel free to donate and help support our friend George financially with the round-trip journey so the Adoms can once again be reunited!
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  • Samantha Rebyanski
    • $50
    • 6 yrs
Je contribue


Zach William
Washington, PA

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