Re-uniting with my family and Rebuilding Lives
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Hello, my name is Haneen, and I am reaching out to you with a heavy heart and a plea for support. I have thirteen family members including my husband and my two eight year old boys who are in Gaza right now . My story is one of resilience, sacrifice, and an unyielding desire to help my family in Gaza to survive the war, get out to safety and rebuild their lives.
In 2022, I made a life-changing decision to pursue a Masters degree in England, leaving behind my beloved family and two children in Gaza. My intention was to open doors of opportunities for them and to provide a chance for a brighter future. Despite facing numerous challenges and barriers, I persevered, and in the end, I achieved academic distinction, earning the departments' award for exceptional progress.
However, the joy of my academic success is overshadowed by the devastating reality my family faces back in Gaza. The current situation has left our homes and business destroyed, with my husband losing his livelihood as his company was levelled to the ground. My parents, siblings, and two eight-year-old twin boys are now displaced in the south, grappling with horror and deprivation of basic necessities like food and water. My two eight year old boys are being denied access to education, a fundamental right that every child deserves.
Years of tireless dedication and hard work, especially from my father, went into establishing and sustaining a business in one of the most challenging places to start one—Gaza. The wedding center, created in 2018, was a symbol of hope, love, and community. It provided employment to many young people and was cherished by families for their special occasions. Tragically, with a single click, it was reduced to ashes, leaving our hearts in perpetual ache.
Currently, I am urgently seeking your assistance to facilitate the safe evacuation of my husband and our two boys, from whom I have been separated for nearly 16 months now. The fundraising campaign will be launched in two stages:
1. An initial target of £ 32,250 (find the details below). This amount will be instrumental in securing the evacuation of my husband and our boys.
2. If the initial stage proves successful, I plan to initiate the second stage focusing on funding the evacuation of my parents and siblings.
Any extra funds beyond the initial target will be allocated to supporting the evacuation of my extended family, including my parents and siblings. Your generous support can make a
significant difference in reuniting us and ensuring the safety of our loved ones.
Thank you for being a beacon of hope in our lives.
With gratitude,
Expenses for my husband and two 8-year old boys:
Evacuation fees ( from Gaza): 7000*3=
Flight tickets: £500 (per person)
Total for 3 members (Husband and two
boys): 500*3= £1500
UK family Visas: £3250 (per person)
Total for 3 members: 3250*3=£ 9750
Subtotals £32,250
This budget is subject to adjustments based on the evolving situation.
Haneen Khaled