ReVIve the V.I.
My name is Kelsey and I have been visiting and living in the Virgin Islands( St.Thomas specifically) for the past 12 years. First arriving to the islands to work on charter boats, I fell in love with everything about the place....its beautiful scenery, culture, beaches, people, etc. How could you not! From then on, I was hooked on coming back and eventually decided I would make a life in the Caribbean. Fast forward a few years and I have become completely invested in these islands and their people. If we only knew what was coming...
The video attached is only the beginning of the footage of devastation that has hit the Virgin Islands from Hurricane Irma. As the days go on, more tragedy will ensue. Before Irma had begun to form, I took a vacation back to the states to visit family for a few weeks. Little did I know I would be 1,500 miles away from my home, 3 boats, dog, and island family when a category 5 hurricane would tear through our tiny island chain destroying everything in its path. The feeling of being so far away when something so terrible is happening to your loved ones is indescribable. However, with the island out of power, cell towers down and no way to communicate...maybe the reason for me being stateside is to start spreading the word and getting support sooner. When hurricane Maryland hit the islands in 1995, power was out for 6 months, supplies for rebuild were near impossible to get, food and water wasn't able to get to the island. It took over 10 years to bounce back. This devastation is even worse. I am asking for funds to help get supplies back to anyone on the island who needs them. This money will go towards reviving and rebuilding an entire community and island currently in shambles. With our main source of income being tourism completely wiped out for an unforeseen amount of time, we will need monetary help. With this money I plan to get all necessary items that the community cannot get there. I will be flying with whatever I can fit in bags with me and my boyfriend will be doing the same. We have other friends willing to do so as well. So the more we can raise, the more supplies I can go down with and send others with. If we raise more and more I will spend it on building materials, food, medicine, etc. Whatever my friends and community needs.
The USVI are a chain of United States territories that are often forgot about, but known as "America's Paradise". Please help raise money to getting this stunning island and its residents back on its (bare)feet. :)