Rex surgery/recovery - bullet wound
`I am seeking help for my horse. I have four children and work part-time. The last few years I have had major health issues that have required me to reduce my full-time employment to part-time and have resulted in multiple times of being on disability for surgeries. Rex is a 14 year old mustang that I have trained from a two year old. He is an active and qualified Search and Rescue horse for Yuba County Sheriff's Women's Posse (YCSWP) in Marysville, CA. With the YCSWP he is used to search for missing persons and evidence, perform extractions, provide security at events, parking enforcement, parades, etc. He is also proficient in working cattle, trail trials, and lessons. In April, he developed swelling in his neck. Originally, the veterinarian believed Rex injured it with a fall in the pasture and we started supporting him with acupuncture, supplements, and laser. He only improved slightly so xrays and ultrasound were done. He had been shot in the neck! It was in a bad area and there was substantial infection so he was put on a high dosage of antibiotics for three weeks. The swelling shrunk but then grew again. I took him to UC Davis where they did extensive xrays and ultrasounding on him. The bullet was between his trachea, carotid artery and his esophagus, and his infection had spread throughout his entire neck! The only way to remove the bullet was by anesthetizing him, tubing his esophagus, doing an incision, moving his esophagus to the side, and then using the ultrasound and a needle to pinpoint the bullet, the surgeon followed the needle with his instruments to safely get to the bullet and extracted it. They flushed the inside of his entire neck to remove as much of the infected matter as possible and installed a drain. He has been on antibiotics for weeks and will continue for approximately 3 more. He is also on daily supplements and weekly therapies to help repair nerve, bone and muscle damage caused by the bullet and infection. . We are hoping he will be able to return to full capacity in the YCSWP during the next year. I do not know who shot Rex. I only know he is a huge asset to the Sheriff's Posse and that he is like a child to me. I love him so much and I do not know what I would do without him. Anything that you can do to help me with the expenses would be amazing! Thank you!