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Frank Gable Freedom Fund

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Frank E Gable was wrongfully convicted for the murder of my brother, James Michael (Mike) Francke on June 27, 1991 despite the total absence of any physical evidence, and only dubious, coerced testimony from fabricated witnesses. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Francke 

Mike was stabbed to death on January 17, 1989, his body found by a security guard outside an entry to his office where he oversaw the Oregon Department of Corrections as an appointee of the Governor.  By September of 1990, Frank emerged as the convenient patsy for the State Police to claim as the assailant in spite of objections from myself, as well as older brother Patrick.

30 years later, Federal Magistrate Judge Frank Acosta has ordered Franks release stating that, more likely than not, Frank is innocent of the charges that sent him away for most of his adult life!  As I write this, lawyers for the State of Oregon and the lawyers representing Frank are working out a release plan which will unfold in the next few weeks.  

Frank and his wife Rain......will soon be setting up a home and beginning their new life together.

The transition to civilian life is not going to be easy.  Such an understatement; it will be a grueling fight battling PTSD, physical issues from 30 of years doing hard time, the terror of instant poverty and great need,  feelings of hopelessness and powerless to switch off the constant fear that has been following you every hour or every day for three decades.

When my brother was killed, we set up a reward fund seeded by family, friends and total strangers from dozens of states across the land.  That $30,000.00 was never enough to expose the true murderer(s) identity  and was later donated to charity.  

Today, I am returning to that wellspring of love, humanity and generosity,  and asking again in my and my family's name for your much needed help and compassion in seeing that one thing that Frank and his wife Rain will not have to worry about immediately, is having enough funds at hand to set up a home together and build the foundation of the hopes and dreams of a future together.  

Mike Francke's legacy should not be that an innocent man's life was tossed onto the trash pile of incarceration, then left to rot outside the walls, forgotten and abandoned. 

To quote his attorney, Ms. Nell Brown:
"Mr. Gable has served nearly thirty years in prison for a conviction that is, at worst, the wrongful conviction of an innocent man, and, at best, the product of a trial rife with highly suspect evidence and marred by errors of a constitutional magnitude,'' 

It will mean so much to me, and the members of the Francke family knowing that we helped provide a safety net for the unintended victim of Mike's murder, Mr. Frank E Gable.  You have no idea what pressure Frank is feeling right now, and you have no idea what a tremendous relief this fund will be for his and Rain's peace of mind and well-being. 

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart. 


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    • 250 $
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  • Elizabeth Henderson
    • 125 $
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  • Jessica Grey
    • 100 $
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Kevin Francke
Salem, OR

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