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SkillsUSA Competition

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The date is quickly approaching for the Cosmetology SkillsUSA team to represent Fayetteville Technical Community College in a statewide student competition. The FTCC COS SkillsUSA team of 7 students have been diligently preparing to compete on April 28th at the Greensboro Coliseum. The College has graciously covered half of our competition entry fees, including our models. However, our team needs to raise funds for the rest of our entry fees, travel expenses, and other miscellaneous expenses that may be required for the competition. The COS SkillsUSA team of students has decided to do this Go Fund Me Page instead of any other fundraiser, which may take away our time from practicing on our competition areas. We will be competing in all areas of cosmetology from nail technology, hair coloring, showcase, total fantasy look, and beginner cos skills. Our team is very excited about the opportunity to represent our programs, instructors and our college at the state SkillsUSA Conference in Greensboro, NC!

Without the support of family, friends, fellow classmates, and the community, we would not be able to solely focus on the task at hand .......the COMPETITION.

Please consider helping our team. All support is GREATLY appreciated!!.....even if it's only $5. The FTCC COS SkillsUSA team would greatly appreciate your support to make this opportunity a SUCCESS for each and every one of us!

Goal $2500

Thank you very much!
COS SkillsUSA Student Team


FTCC Cosmetology Club
Fayetteville, NC

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt