UAC Fund: Helping 1000 ICU or ER Medical Workers
We are the fund-raising team of United Against Covid-19 (UAC), an alliance composed of healthcare professionals, psychologists, social workers, donors, and volunteers. Many experts believe the pandemic response and medical situation in the United States is deteriorating.
At UAC, our mission is to unite everyone’s individual power and, together, win this struggle against COVID-19.
What we do at UAC
Procuring supplies for hospitals-in-need: To respond to the urgent needs of front line medical workers for personal protective equipment (PPE) and other supplies, teams of volunteers contact hospitals and medical agencies to learn what supplies are in highest demand and their specifications. We then find donors who have medical supplies that match the precise requirements as requested by front line medical staff.
Effective distribution of medical supplies: We arrange for the transport and distribution of resources to hospitals and government agencies in urgent need, maximizing the utilization of all donated supplies.
Filling any unmet demands: For supply requests that are unable to be fulfilled by donors, UAC uses peer-to-peer and crowdfunding, including Gofundme, to finance the purchase of medical supplies for front line medical workers.
Sharing information: By sharing valuable information with donors, institutions, and volunteers, we at UAC work together to accomplish the above.
Fundraising Goal
First stage goal: $50,000
The pandemic situation continues to change rapidly, and although governments and professional organizations are increasing their production and purchases of medical supplies, it will take time for them to meet immediate demands. Therefore, we set fund-raising targets in phases to respond to the dynamic situation.
How will we use our funds?
With our first stage goal of fifty thousand dollars, we will aid at least 1,000 medical staff in emergency rooms and intensive care units by providing PPE, such as N95 masks, fluid-resistant goggles, face shields and other protective clothing.
If official chains-of-supply respond quickly enough to ease the urgency of medical workers, then we will transfer remaining funds to meet other needs of other public agencies, such as emergency medical services (EMS), police departments, and other general community workers. Meanwhile, we will continue supporting medical workers in other ways, such as paying for meals (including for those in quarantine) and funding hotel accommodations for traveling workers.
How will we ensure purchased supplies are in compliance with medical standards?
In addition to trained medical providers who volunteer with UAC, contacts at receiving hospitals will also review the purchase order before we complete the transaction and distribute supplies. By doing so, we ensure supplies meet the standards set for medical personnel in the United States.
How are we different from other COVID-19 fundraising organizations?
At UAC, we work closely with donor institutions and professionals to help front line medical staff with unmet safety demands. The dangers they face are often due to a lack of supply donors in the area or working in a location largely marginalized by local medical infrastructure. In other cases, it is as simple as uneven distribution of supplies leading to a critical deficiency in basic PPE.
No matter the cause, no medical worker should suffer as a result. UAC’s ultimate goal is to protect the lives of the medical personnel that are saving our own. Please join us and help however possible.
Why the focus on ICU and ER personnel?
Intensive care unit and emergency room personnel treat the most severe patients and risk the highest exposure as the “front line” of the medical response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Infection rates amongst medical staff in these departments remain high, with medical staff constituting a significant portion of COVID-19’s mortality count. We must help protect these brave, under-supported medical workers on the front line that have specialized in critical care, if only to prevent others from being exposed.
“As of April 9, at least 9,282 health care workers in the U.S. had COVID-19 and at least 27 had died, according to the new report. However, that number is almost certainly an undercount because researchers only knew whether a patient was a health care worker in 16% of all U.S. coronavirus cases – which had reached nearly 460,000 by April 9 – leaving 84% of cases unaccounted for in this report.”
More news link as below:
How do we evaluate the needs of ICU/ER staff?
We have a system to collect medical workers’ requests in detail [link]. Moreover, we also learn the conditions of each hospital’s medical teams and their patients. Medical professionals at UAC assess and verify requests with the hospital medical teams before ordering supplies for distribution.
Do we guarantee and protect the rights of donors?
In order to protect the legal rights and interests of donors, we require all hospitals who request supplies to sign a waiver of liablity.
Why can’t hospitals protect their medical staff with government support?
Unfortunately, the government’s response has been slow to meet the spike in supply demands from major hospitals.
Additionally, infection numbers and rates continue to rise in the United States, meaning critically ill patients who will need ER and ICU treatment will also increase. Even following the peak in resource demand of projected COVID-19 infection curves, medical supplies will remain in a state of tension for quite some time. Many hospitals will also budget their usage of supplies to prevent critical shortages in the future, resulting in dangerous shortages that threaten medical workers today.
Finally, supplies are flowing into the epicenters of the pandemic, such as New York City, but infection rates (and the demand for medical supplies) in marginalized areas outside of cities are simultaneously increasing. Supplies and support for front line medical workers will remain in high demand.
Are donations tax deductible?
Currently, we are unable to provide tax deduction evidence for Gofundme donations. We are working with third-party, non-profit organizations to provide such documents. We will provide updates regarding our progress on tax deductions.
How can I know where the fund goes?
We will update the progress of our work on our webpage and facebook page, including the PPEs we purchased using the fund and who receive the PPEs from which hospitals as much as we can (if the information is allowed to be disclosed to the public).
I am an ICU/ER staff member and we are in urgent need of PPEs. How can I request supplies?
Please fill out this form https://forms.gle/XSr5kME1vpQaQXfQA
Note: In case that you are not part of ICU/ER team but in urgent need of PPEs, please fill it out also, as we will evaluate the needs and try to help if no more urgent ones occur.
Aside from donations, how can I help UAC?
Please contact us at info@uac-heros.org to join the UAC volunteer community. We are more than happy to clarify any questions and discuss how you might help.
UAC Task Groups
1. Hospital and Donor Liaison
Main tasks: Collecting information on supply types and specifications urgently needed by the hospital in each region, finding donors to match materials, assisting the purchase or donation by the institution with the hospital, and following up with the hospital after shipment is confirmed and ensuring waiver signature.
2. (Purchase) Procurement and Logistics
Main task: Assist institutions and individuals in purchasing and billing, logistics, etc.
3. Material Statistics and Donations
Main tasks: collaborating with the purchasing group and organizing supply storage, collaborating with the hospital and donor liaison group and organizing supply distribution
To avoid redundant shipments of supplies, it is vital to share information fully and collaborate efficiently.
4. Information Optimization
Main task: sort out important information in the chat, prioritize appropriate messages, and share information optimally. The PPE identification and procurement manual is currently being collated. The supplier list has been verified. This group is responsible for the Q&A summary of common problems.
5. Medical Expertise (Chinese and American physicians)
Main tasks: Support donors and volunteers by providing professional advice to the group.
6. Psychological Support (psychologists, counselors, social workers, therapists)
Main tasks: Address the mental health of medical staff and volunteers, helping them relieve stress, and take care of themselves to help others better.
7. Fundraising Group
Main task: Utilize Gofundme and crowdfunding to source donations for the necessary protective equipment for ICU/ER personnel.
Follow us:
Webpage: www.uac-heros.org ( to launch soon)
Facebook: fb.me/UAC.heros
UAC Support Fund:捐助1000名ICU/ER医护人员
大家好,我们是UAC(United against Covid-19)项目募资团队。UAC是一个由捐赠者、志愿者和医生专家、心理咨询师、社工等组成的一个联合团体,在美国疫情日趋严重的时期,来自中国、欧洲、美国等地的爱心人士,组成了这个民间联盟。
1. 共享精准需求:紧贴医院和医护人员的一线需求,志愿者团队精准、实时地采集和跟踪一线人员的需求,然后将需求信息共享给捐赠端,帮助捐赠方掌握准确的需求信息,有效、合理地配置捐赠资源。
2. 有效匹配物资:同时,对于加入UAC的捐赠机构和个人,做及时、精准的匹配,使捐赠物资得到最大化的利用。
3. 弥补缺口:针对仍然无法被满足的需要,被遗漏的个体医护需求,UAC集合个体的力量,通过Gofundme众筹的方式,筹集资金进行及时的点对点资助。
4. 价值共享:价值信息的沉淀与共享。
我们目前正在跟部分捐赠机构和个人紧密合作,我们都在UAC联盟旗下。UAC Fund主要是针对在目前的捐赠情况之外未能被满足的一线人员需求,它有可能是因为不在重点捐助区域,处于边缘地区,或者纽约以外的州,或者因为医院物资仍然不够充裕,产生分配不均等问题造成的。
根据4月14日US News的报道,至少10000名医护人员感染Covid-19,几十名不幸去世。但因为每个州缺少精确的数据统计,实际数字可能更高。
我们会有一个系统采集医护人员的详细需求,也会有针对医院和ICU Team的病患、团队情况进行采集,我们团队中的专业人员会对需求进行评估,与对方沟通核实后进行物资发放。
请填写需求表格 https://forms.gle/XSr5kME1vpQaQXfQA
1. 医院需求对接组
2. (拼单)采购与物流
3. 物资统计与捐赠组
4. 信息收集组
5. 医疗专家组(中方医生、美方医生)
6.心理支持组 (心理咨询师、社工、教练等)
7. 募资组
官方网站: www.uac-heros.org (即将上线)
Facebook页面: fb.me/UAC.heros