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Disabled with Severe ME CFS & I need help please.

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Update 11/11/23: I found a small studio apartment but in this housing shortage and economy time is of the essence. It fall just under 1000/ month and is near my caregiver. I am really hoping to get out of the weather by Christmas.
I don't even know how to start...this is really humbling and tough for me to do. I know there are those that may be worse off than I and I wish them all the love and hope that they need to navigate this ever changing world.
I guess we should get down to the brass tax as my elders would say. :)
I am just 50 years old, that's a big one, anyway my name is Alanna and I was diagnosed with ME/CFS, Fibromyalgia, POTS, polyneuropathy, Intracranial hypertension, PTSD, and all the lovely little mental health issues that come in this supreme package of chronic Illness. My doctor told me that I was unable to return to work as a union grocery cashier. I lost my income in August 2022, and my housing May 2023. I am bed bound about 22
hours a day every day and my world has grown very small. I have lost a lot with this illness but there has been some silver lining. I have quite a lot of time for inner reflection, being alone most days.
If you aren't familiar with ME/CFS there is a great documentary called "Unrest." There's a free version on youtube. Long story short I lived in the state of fight or flight for so long that my nervous system and immune system shut down.
I am sensitive to touch, light, sound and smell. I get fatigued from the slightest exertion and its unpredictable when the crash will hit. A crash is when I go into shock and I can't tolerate light, sound or touch. I have auditory and olfactory hallucinations, nausea, pain at 11, electric zaps, cold sweats, inability to get warm, loss of loss muscle control, intense facial pressure, and brain fog. I glitch a lot.
I can barely walk 5 feet to the bathroom and just 4 years ago i was summiting mountains, hiking every week, a committed gym rat and had an active social life. Now I have to sit down half way up a flight of stairs. I have a cane, walker and wheelchair. I dream of a power chair or scooter then, I wouldn't need my caregiver to push me. But that dream must wait because I am homeless. There I said it outloud, you never think it could happen but it doesn't take much in this world to land on your bum wondering who pulled the rug out from under you.
When I lost my housing (not due to eviction rather the home was sold) My daughter and her fiance where back after college and living with me. So knowing I had no options my daughter became my caregiver and we all three rented a lovely home. It has only been about five months and i am not on the lease, my credit tanked when I got sick so I have to find another option for hoising due to extenuating circumstances. Never thought this could happen but here I am relying on the kindness of strangers.

So here I am no income other than my EBT, and 400 month ABD benefits. My sister is going to take over my caregiving but she cant take me in. She's a single mom and her apartment is tiny. Everyone I know is already filled up and like I said I need a quite dim lit room so it makes it tough.
I do have a temporary plan of converting my 2003 blazer into shelter but we all know how that goes and very unsafe. Also I may become so disabled that I wouldn't be able to function on my own in a car.
I am here to see if I can crowd fund the money to pay for at least six months rent. Rent is so high here and criteria so strict no wonder there's a housing crisis. All I need is a studio I live in my bed anyways. I do have an adorable pomchi who keeps me company and honestly barks at me when I am out of bed, he gets worried.
And so no one can say I am looking for a handout due to laziness or other things. Im not sn addict nor a criminal. Im bedridden currently. I am attending online school. I wear special glasses and study without noise. Also the schedule is on my terms so I do homework when I feel well enough and take breaks as need. I am studying to get my Bs in Data Sciences. I currently have a 3.97 GPA and I have found that I love it! So hopefully if my illness affords me I can work again and pay this forward.
If you are a donater (sounds like a terminator doughnut LMAO!) I can keep you posted on my journey if you'd like. Plus I am known to be hilarious! Humor is good medicine.
If you got this far with me I thank you for listening and hope the heavens shine down and make you think of something or someone you love. Cherish every moment and thank you so much! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox


  • Victoria Ryan
    • $40
    • 5 mos
  • Julie Wolbaum
    • $50
    • 7 mos
  • Taylor Foss
    • $150
    • 8 mos
  • Emily Gentry
    • $100
    • 8 mos
  • Rachael Redford
    • $50
    • 8 mos

Spendenteam (2)

Alanna Roberson
Everett, WA
Zesa Lukas
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