Rialto Theatre Foundation Staff Support Fund
Thanks to the generous support of our community, our Rialto Staff Support Fund has reached and surpassed our goal, and funds have been distributed to our furloughed staff. Thank you so much to everyone who supported this effort! Not only does it help our staff with immediate needs such as food and rent, but it also shows that the community cares about the Rialto family, and that is priceless.
If you've donated $100 or more to the campaign and haven't requested your Fantasy Concert Lineup or Special Marquee Message, requests can be made through June 5th by emailing [email redacted]. Guidelines are:
Fantasy Concert Series - 4 additional lines, 30 characters/line max, 120 characters total max (including spaces)
Personal Message - Up to 5 lines total, 30 characters/line max, 150 characters total max (including spaces)
These messages are meant to uplift our community. Positive messages only, please. No overt profanity or derogatory language, excepting "FU CORONAVIRUS.”
Thank you again from all of us here at the Rialto Theatre Foundation!
The Rialto Theatre, 191 Toole, and R Bar staff are more than just employees, they're part of the community that keeps the Tucson music scene vibrant and growing. They work tirelessly to keep people safe and happy, ensuring everyone gets to enjoy a break from their worldly cares while they’re visiting our venues. They’re integral to the process of cultivating a thriving arts scene in Tucson.
With the COVID-19 crisis, we've had to shutter all three of our venues and furlough most of the Rialto Theatre Foundation staff for the foreseeable future. This is devastating for our staff members and their families, many of whom work multiple "gig" jobs that have similarly disappeared as part of the terrible consequences of this crisis.
We're doing our best to help furloughed staff file for unemployment benefits, both state and federal, but many are in dire need of help now. We created this fund to help meet immediate needs like groceries during this historically unprecedented situation. All donations made to this fund will be disbursed directly to them to help with rent and food needs while awaiting other sources of help.
We are including some perks for anyone who is able and willing to help out the real humans who keep the spirit of live performance and communal gathering alight in their hearts:
$5, $10, $25, $50 Donation - Our eternal love & gratitude and your name listed on our website thanking donors.
$100 Donation - We'll list your "Fantasy Concert Lineup" or special message on our Marquee and will snap a picture of it and e-mail it to you for you to use however you'd like - promote your band, propose to your beloved or celebrate your nuptials, or re-create that special concert that you missed. The intent of the Fantasy Concert Lineup/special marquee messages are to uplift our community during this difficult time. No overt profanity or derogatory language, excepting "FU CORONAVIRUS". We reserve the right to exercise editorial control over messages on our marquee and no questionable content not befitting the marquee of a community nonprofit org such as the Rialto Theatre Foundation will be permitted. You will also be listed on our website.
$150 Donation - We'll list your "Fantasy Concert Lineup" or special message on our marquee as described above, and we will photoshop you and anyone else you like into the picture, or if we’re no longer sheltering in place, we can arrange to have a live photo taken. Plus the massive thanks on the website.
$500 Donation - All of the above - Special marquee message, T-shirt and sticker, PLUS a signed poster of your choice from our inventory of amazing signed posters. And the thanks and gratitude website listing which by now you know comes with all levels of donation.
$1,000 Donation - All of the above, PLUS 5 vouchers for 2 tickets each (10 tickets total!) to upcoming Rialto/191 Toole shows, to be redeemed once the Rialto Theatre venues are back up and running (not to mention the ol’ website gratitude listing).
$5,000+ Donation - All of the benefits of the $500 and below donation, plus a Rialto GOLDEN TICKET, which entitles the holder to 2 tickets to any Rialto Theatre or 191 Toole show for AN ENTIRE YEAR once we're back in operation. Non-transferable, some restrictions apply. See details at https://www.rialtotheatre.com/memberships/. And of course, for always and forever, our undying gratitude, which will be listed on our website.
100% of net earnings from this campaign will go directly into the pockets of furloughed Rialto Theatre Foundation staff.
Our music community will be back in full force as soon as it is safe to do so. We can’t wait to be back up & running and with you all again. ‘Til then, take care of yourselves and each other.
Curtis McCrary, Executive Director
Julie Ragland, Development Director
Sandy Ford, COO
The Rialto Theatre Foundation
And the Rialto Theatre Foundation Board of Directors
Christopher ‘Kip’ Volpe, President
Check out this video highlighting 100 years of the Rialto Theatre. Thank you for being a part of the Rialto's story...