Rich Mazur Fighting Brain Cancer
On July 12, 2021, Rich walked into the walk-in clinic for minor memory loss thinking that it could’ve been a stroke that he had in the past month. After an MRI our lives forever changed when a mass on his brain was discovered on his left frontal lobe. Rich was diagnosed with Level 4 Glioblastoma, a rare, and very aggressive form of brain cancer. Rich was rushed to St. Francis Hospital where he underwent brain surgery to remove as much of the tumor that would still allow him to be able to speak and communicate post-op.
Since then, we have consulted with doctors from multiple hospitals and have decided to take on this battle with Dr.Friedman out of Duke University in North Carolina. Rich is going to go through chemotherapy and radiation to try and stabilize the tumor at Duke University, where the best care possible is for him. On top of the typical expenses that cancer is comprised of, an added expense is now going to be the cost of travel and stay during his treatments in North Carolina.
If anyone were to describe Rich Mazur, they would say that he is hard-working, tenacious, very fit, and incredibly giving. As a whole our family is positive and faithful that God is going to be on our side through this incredibly difficult journey. We appreciate every donation, text, call, food delivery and prayer that has been sent our way thus far.