Ride for McBride
The Ride for McBride was an annual charity bike ride held from 2011-2017 to honor and remember the life and work of Joseph McBride. Joe was a beloved member of the NJ/PA community for forty years, where he raised a family, coached and refereed sports, taught and worked as a social worker, and was a friend to many. Sadly, Joe lost his life in 2010 doing something he loved: riding his bike. Though we no longer gather to ride in his honor, we continue to fundraise for the Joseph McBride Memorial Award at the University of Pennsylvania School of Social Policy and Practice – a masters program in social work. The scholarship is awarded to a second-year student who best exhibits Joe’s enduring qualities as a social worker: unflinching courage, strong integrity, and boundless passion. For more information, please visit https://rideformcbride.com/