Colors of Courage: Dye-namic Duo's Tribute
Tax deductible
Help Us Rev Up Support for Veterans and Law Enforcement! We're gearing up for the 3rd Annual
Motor Muscle Excursion, a charity ride/cruise that ends in a party benefiting two incredible non-
profits: Whole Vet and Blue Knights Motorcycle Club North Carolina Chapter 2. Our mission is
serious, but we're adding a splash of color to the cause! If we reach our fundraising goal:
∙Dale from Whole Vet will dye his hair a vibrant orange
∙Greg from Blue Knights will transform into a true Blue Knight with a painted blue head
Your donations will support:
∙Whole Vet: Providing comprehensive care for veterans
∙Blue Knights NC Chapter 2: Supporting law enforcement officers and their communities
Why It Matters
Veterans and law enforcement officers face unique challenges. By participating in this ride and
donating, you're helping provide crucial resources and support to these heroes who've dedicated their
lives to serving others.
The Ride
Join us on Saturday, September 21, 2024, for the 3rd Annual Motor Muscle Excursion Partnership Ride
to Lillington, North Carolina. It's not just a ride – it's a celebration of service and community spirit.
Our Colorful Promise
We're putting our hair (and heads) on the line to show our commitment. Help us turn heads and raise
awareness by reaching our goal! Every dollar counts. Whether you can join us for the ride or support
from afar, your contribution will make a real difference in the lives of veterans and law enforcement
officers. Let's ride for a cause and add some color to our community support!
#MotorMuscleExcursion #RideForHeroes #BlueAndOrangeForACause
Christopher Cornett
Willow Spring, NC
Whole Vet, Inc