RideAid 2020: Pedaling for People and Paws
Our Beginning:
Ride Aid was founded in May of 2020 in response to what was observed as a collective need to help those across our nation that have been impacted financially, emotionally, and physically by the COVID-19 Pandemic. This pandemic has not only affected the lives of people but has also impacted the safety and welfare of animals. As a pet owner of multiple rescue "fur babies", I am committed to protecting those without a voice and advocating for animal rights. I firmly believe that in order to overcome adversity, we can do more together than we can apart.
Our Mission:
Our mission is to participate in and organize charity bicycle rides across this nation in order to affect positive change, create public awareness for issues such as homelessness, food insecurity, animal abuse/cruelty, and an animal's right to life. We hope to make a positive impact upon the communities we ride through and support their initiatives in these areas.
The Five Greatest Gifts:
What drives our organization is the firm belief in "The Five Greatest Gifts" that we can all give and receive within this existence.
1. Love
2. Trust
3. Empathy
4. Acceptance
5. Forgiveness
It is when these gifts are given and received that we can affect positive changes upon those around us.
Causes We Support:
• Programs that assist the homeless and displaced
• Programs that offer affordable housing for low income or homeless families
• Programs which address food insecurity and nutrition
• Programs committed to animal rights and protection
• Programs committed to animal rescue, rehabilitation, and sanctuaries
Organizations We Support:
Campaign Fundraising Goals:
1. Cover Organizational Establishment Expenses
2. Cover Overhead Expenses for the 2020 Ride Project
3. Maximize funds raised for the organizations we support
Ride Details:
What is Unique About This Ride:
• I am not an experienced cyclist
• I have never ridden more than 34 miles in one day
• I am riding solo without a support team
• If I can overcome the adversity of this ride, then our nation can overcome the
challenges that face it
• Each day we will visit with and post a feature video on a non-profit organization
in the cities that we ride through or stay in, that is having a positive impact on
the lives of people or animals in their communities.
• We will promote the organization’s fundraising efforts and encourage
ride/social media followers to support these organizations as well throughout
the ride.
• We will keep a list of all the organizations we visit on our website, as well as
links to their websites.
Our Budget:
• Organizational Establishment Expenses for Ride Aid: $350
• Ride Budget (includes bike, gear, camping equipment, travel, food, and
accommodations): $9,129
If you have questions about this campaign, would like to discuss sponsorship,
opportunities, or would like to discuss partnerships, please feel free to visit us
at www.rideaidcharity.org