Riding Mill Outdoor Preschool Relocation Fundraiser
On Thursday September 12th 2024 it was announced that from the end of July 2026 RMOP would no longer be able to use the current site at Broomhaugh C of E First School.
This is awful news that has shocked and saddened everyone. We all love the RMOP site... the gorgeous big oak tree, the engineering shed, the yurt, and proximity of Preschool to the First School. The response from the community has been overwhelming, and as trustees we are heartened and reinvigorated by the support show… hence setting up this fundraiser!
RMOP trustees are now working hard behind the scenes to find and secure a new - just as good, even better - site for Pre School to relocate to, but this comes at a cost.
There will be funding bids put in, there'll be fund-raising events, but what funders love to see is that the community, our community, are standing right there with RMOP. Public support for this new venture will make all the difference in the world and is appreciated more than you could know.
So if you can give £5, £50, or even £500 you are supporting RMOP and giving your voice to the new and improved venture providing outdoor learning for future generations.
Thank you so very, very much.
Kathryn Davidson Armstrong
Riding Mill Pre-School Ltd