Hoofdafbeelding inzamelingsactie

Righting a Wrong-Anthony Broadwater's Future Life

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**ALL money raised through this fund will go directly to Anthony Broadwater**

On Monday, November 22, 2021, a New York State Supreme Court judge vacated Anthony J. Broadwater's conviction for the brutal rape of best-selling author Alice Sebold. While this was a moment of tremendous celebration for Anthony, his wife, and those who fought alongside him, it does not change the reality that he spent 16 1/2 years in prison for a crime he did not commit, and then another 23 years as a registered sex offender. These two labels that have followed him for the last 23 years--felon and sex offender--have marginalized Anthony and left him unable to obtain regular work, as he was either not hired to begin with or fired as soon as his status was discovered, and his status also left him unable to rent apartments. Both of these have left him in a precarious financial and housing situation.

While Anthony spent 16 1/2 years in prison for a crime he did not commit, and the subsequent 23 years as a felon and registered sex offender, Alice Sebold was able to make millions of dollars from her book "Lucky", which was based on the sexual assault and inaccurately portrayed Anthony as the rapist. As a result of this miscarriage of justice, today we can clearly see the alarming discrepancy between the life of luxury that Alice Sebold has been able to live, in part through the earnings from her book and resulting fame, contrasted with the life of poverty suffered by Anthony Broadwater, through no fault of his own. We are hoping that this fundraiser will help to begin a process of reparations for him, as he has few assets, and many needs. His most dire needs at this time are with regards to housing and his legal fight with the publisher of the book, who at this time, has no stated intention of reissuing "Lucky" with an update on Anthony's exoneration. In addition to these needs, Anthony and his wife, Elizabeth, who has stood by his side for over 20 years, have medical issues that require treatment.

We have an opportunity to change his life for the better. It is our hope that November 22, 2021 is the day that marks his exoneration and the day his new life began, with a future that includes safe housing, access to meaningful employment, and reparations from the state that falsely convicted him and took away his freedom for almost 16 1/2 years of physical incarceration and 23 more years of psychological, economic, and emotional imprisonment. 


Anthony Broadwater
Grand Rapids, MI

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