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Madden Community Fallen Angels

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Hello all, 

My name is Justin Saline, I am from Saint Marys, PA
I go by "Swizzy" in the Madden Community, or others would know me as "NewAgeMadden" on Twitch.
I've been a part of the Madden Community for over 10 years.

On August 26th at a Madden Qualifier in Jacksonville, FL. The madden community lost a few soldiers. Trueboy (Eli Clayton) & Spotmeplzzz(Taylor Robertson).
As a community we always come together to try and set their families as straight as possible.
My relationship to these players was friends. These are people that we all as a madden community, first meet online, & eventually meet and hang out iin person.

All donations and proceeds will go towards the families of the 2 lost, split 50/50 down the middle.

RIP Trueboy & Spotmeplzzz


Justin Saline
Saint Marys, PA

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