River's Top Surgery (Trans / FTM)
Donation protected
My name is River and I am a transman from Milwaukee, WI. When I started hormone replacement therapy in February of 2017, it changed more than just my appearance. The process greatly improved my mental health and helped me alleviate some of the gender dysphoria that I had been experiencing most of my life. The next step in my medical transition is to get top surgery.
My top surgery is scheduled for December 5th, 2017 with Dr. Garramone in Florida. I am grateful to be seeing such a fine surgeon, but the costs are heavy. I am a business owner and with getting caught up on taxes and bills... it has been a hard financial year. I have also recently had the responsibility of paying 100% of my bills by myself which in the past were partially split with someone else. It has all sort of crashed in on me at once and I decided to reach out for help.

Your donation will help to cover my surgery fees which include the surgery, surgical center stay, and post surgical care. After my surgery, I will need to take time off. Since I own my own business and I am it's only employee... I do not have access to vacation leave, sick leave, or someone to cover my absence. This means my income and ability to earn a living will take a temporary hit. My surgery able to be covered by insurance.
This top surgery means the world to me. This is my chance to put on a shirt without it sending me into an anxious state of worry. It is my chance to not have to constrict my body into a binder that limits my breathing. This surgery will allow me to walk out my front door and not constantly have my mind on the appearance of my chest. I long to be free to just be and not fight the daily anxiety caused by having a section of my body taken hostage. I know that once I am free I will be able to move in this world how I am meant to.
If you can not donate, please share this campaign on social media. Social media has been very valuable to me on rough days. I am so appreciative of the support and connections that I have made with others from all over the world.
Donors will promo codes that cover the cost of the following gifts that will be available in the online store...
$5 - Sticker
$10 - 5x7 Print & Sticker
$25 - 8x10 Print & Sticker
$50 - T-Shirt
$100 - T-Shirt and Sticker
$500 - 2 T-Shirts, 8x10 Print, 5x7 Print, and Sticker

These items will launch on riverrunswild.com . I am very excited to be able to offer a way to give back and also develop some unique design items. More details to come, but let's get the word out!

To follow my journey, please visit: riverrunswild.com .
Thank you for your support! By sharing my transition journey, it is my hope that I am able to touch the lives of others and provide support, encouragement, and love.
For updates and to learn more about me, find me on social media.
Visit my YouTube channel .
"Like" the River Runs Wild Facebook
Follow River Eastwood on Instagram
Click here to learn more about my graphic design business, Golden Antler Design.
Thank you and best of luck along your journey.
*Note that these are preliminary designs and not necessarily the items that will be available at launch. International shipping is not included. Orders may take 2-3 weeks to fulfill. For any questions, please feel free to contact me on riverrunswild.com
My name is River and I am a transman from Milwaukee, WI. When I started hormone replacement therapy in February of 2017, it changed more than just my appearance. The process greatly improved my mental health and helped me alleviate some of the gender dysphoria that I had been experiencing most of my life. The next step in my medical transition is to get top surgery.
My top surgery is scheduled for December 5th, 2017 with Dr. Garramone in Florida. I am grateful to be seeing such a fine surgeon, but the costs are heavy. I am a business owner and with getting caught up on taxes and bills... it has been a hard financial year. I have also recently had the responsibility of paying 100% of my bills by myself which in the past were partially split with someone else. It has all sort of crashed in on me at once and I decided to reach out for help.

Your donation will help to cover my surgery fees which include the surgery, surgical center stay, and post surgical care. After my surgery, I will need to take time off. Since I own my own business and I am it's only employee... I do not have access to vacation leave, sick leave, or someone to cover my absence. This means my income and ability to earn a living will take a temporary hit. My surgery able to be covered by insurance.
This top surgery means the world to me. This is my chance to put on a shirt without it sending me into an anxious state of worry. It is my chance to not have to constrict my body into a binder that limits my breathing. This surgery will allow me to walk out my front door and not constantly have my mind on the appearance of my chest. I long to be free to just be and not fight the daily anxiety caused by having a section of my body taken hostage. I know that once I am free I will be able to move in this world how I am meant to.
If you can not donate, please share this campaign on social media. Social media has been very valuable to me on rough days. I am so appreciative of the support and connections that I have made with others from all over the world.
Donors will promo codes that cover the cost of the following gifts that will be available in the online store...
$5 - Sticker
$10 - 5x7 Print & Sticker
$25 - 8x10 Print & Sticker
$50 - T-Shirt
$100 - T-Shirt and Sticker
$500 - 2 T-Shirts, 8x10 Print, 5x7 Print, and Sticker

These items will launch on riverrunswild.com . I am very excited to be able to offer a way to give back and also develop some unique design items. More details to come, but let's get the word out!

To follow my journey, please visit: riverrunswild.com .
Thank you for your support! By sharing my transition journey, it is my hope that I am able to touch the lives of others and provide support, encouragement, and love.
For updates and to learn more about me, find me on social media.
Visit my YouTube channel .
"Like" the River Runs Wild Facebook
Follow River Eastwood on Instagram
Click here to learn more about my graphic design business, Golden Antler Design.
Thank you and best of luck along your journey.
*Note that these are preliminary designs and not necessarily the items that will be available at launch. International shipping is not included. Orders may take 2-3 weeks to fulfill. For any questions, please feel free to contact me on riverrunswild.com
River Eastwood
Milwaukee, WI