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Riverwest; Wright Street Fire Victims

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On Sunday, December 9th, longtime Riverwest resident, Sally got a call from her tenant, Jason. He said that the lights were flickering on and off in his 2nd floor apartment. Shortly after, the house was on fire. Sally was at church and by the time she came home, her house (located directly next to The Pink House on E. Wright St) was surrounded by firetrucks and police.

Jason was home, at the time, with his 14 year old daughter.  Everyone got out of the house alive, but most of their belongings were destroyed. Neither family had property insurance so they need everything. The cost to replace everything that was damaged (walls, carpet, furniture) will be tens of thousands of dollars. For now, they need quick cash for immediate short-term housing, replacement clothing, food,  and personal items.

It's the season of giving, and as I think about buying frivolous things for myself, friends and family, I believe this is an opportunity to show up for someone who just lost a lot. From all of us who have warm beds to sleep in tonight; let's show Sally and Jason and their families how valued and loved they are in our Milwaukee community.

Just think: if everyone who is reading this message gave $5, it would go a long way. It may not seem like a lot to you, but it will seem like everything to Sally and Jason. Every little bit counts. Dig deep, it's Christmas.


  • Kathleen Daniels
    • $100
    • 6 yrs


Betsy Rowbottom
Milwaukee, WI

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