Road2IR 2024
Tax deductible
Dear Road2IR Village:
We have come a long way in the past five years, 2018-2023, Thanks to the support, time and effort from each and every one of you!
0 to 13 Interventional Radiology graduates in five years, is a miracle only possible because you believed in us, started and kept us moving forward - despite the numerous challenges and unlikely odds. Faith by Action!
As we plan for Road2IR 2024, we find ourselves at a familiar junction, with so much promise and work ahead, yet not enough hard cash to guarantee airfares and housing for the next IR Teaching Teams to Uganda, Rwanda and Tanzania.
The best plans, remain just plans, until acted upon.
Please donate, invest and celebrate generously, today, towards Road2IR 2024.
In solidarity
Road2IR Management Team
Road2IR Foundation