Road2IR Fund for Academic Year 2022-2023
Tax deductible
We have come a long way since 2017, but still have a long way to go ..
You can help by donating today to the Road2IR Fund for Next Academic Year 2022-2023!
Even as we celebrate our second and largest cohort of seven (7) IR Fellows .. soon-to-be IR Attendings .. We are preparing for the next academic year, which starts on October 31st, 2022.
Funding support for the following Top 3 Priority Areas for Road2IR would ensure a successful 2022/23 Academic Year, and keep our positive momentum going forward!
1. Renovation costs for AngioSuite at MNH ($50,000 USD). A brand new Siemens AngioSuite purchased by MNH is sitting in a warehouse in Dar es Salaam, awaiting these important renovations prior to installation.
2. Travel expenses for IR Attendings to support our recent graduates, who will be pioneering new IR services beyond our base at MNH, in Tanzania and Nigeria. ($25,000 USD)
3. Support for groundwork needed to establish IR Fellowship in Uganda in 2023. ($25,000 USD)
Together (Pamoja), we can go further ..
You can help by donating today to the Road2IR Fund for Next Academic Year 2022-2023!
Asanteni Sana
(Thank You Very Much)
Road2IR Foundation