Honoring Pastor Robert Lewis Leib
Donation protected
Husband, father, Pastor and Author Robert L. Leib, after a period of declining health, went home to be with his Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ, on the 14th of March 2023. He was 68 years old and is survived by his loving wife, his six children and his eight grandchildren.
Many lives have been influenced by his love and concern for Lost souls and desire to always help people.
We know he will be greatly missed by all those involved in his life and ministry.
We will be holding a celebration of Pastor Leibs Life On Saturday 03-25-2023 from 11AM - 1PM at Olive Baptist Church. (Chapel)
1836 E olive rd Pensacola Fl ,32514
* Instructions for atendees
Come inside through the main carport entrance facing Davis Highway
The Chapel is the first door on the right.
All are welcome to come pay their respects to Pastor Leib and Family.
We appreciate any contribution to cover the funeral expenses as well as living expenses for surviving bride Terry Lynn. Due to his extensive health issues, he was not eligible for Life insurance for many years.
All donations can be contributed anonymously if desired, and all donations go Directly to Mrs. Leib
Born a Jew in Manhattan, New York, Bob Leib was Born Again eighteen years later, in Jacksonville, Florida on October 8, 1972.
He was called to preach, shortly thereafter. When he finished his tour of duty in the U.S. Coast Guard, he returned home to Astoria, Queens, New York to start a local Baptist church. After years of serving - practically alone, and essentially unknown to anyone but the locals - The LORD opened the door to begin a Bible study in his apartment. He began with just a couple souls who were hungry for God's word. A short time later, in 1986, the LORD allowed Pastor Bob to marry a young lady from Maryland, named Terry, who, as he describes it, became the love of his life. Together, they served the Lord and continued the weekly Bible study that had been meeting at that point for years before. Through many more years, people came and went, but the core group remained faithful.
After much prayer and deliberation, Bible Baptist Church of Astoria was started. (1992) About 6 months later, they were able to rent a store front, about the size of a one car garage. Finally, they were in the public eye. Having a place to put up signs opened the door to meet and witness to many more people, on an even more personal level than before. But, in New York City, the pull of false teaching, bound up with the ethnic ties of family, made it extremely difficult for new believers to leave their roots and join up with the Baptists. With little growth, and some health problems, in the fall of 1995, Pastor Bob resigned from the church in Astoria, and took his young family (of six) to Ohio for a brief sabbatical that wound up lasting for three years. This was a time of spiritual learning and growth.
When The LORD opened the door in 1998 for Pastor Bob and his family to move to Pennsylvania, they stepped right through. Over the years since that time, the church has had it's ups and downs, and like many churches these days, people have come and gone. But during those slow times, The LORD has enabled much to be done that perhaps may not have been done if the church was busting at the seams. With that allotted time, Pastor Bob has had the opportunity to write three books thus far, and many tracts and articles.
Organizer and beneficiary
Nathanael Leib
Pensacola, FL
Terry Leib