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The Family of Robert Gordon

Spende geschützt

Hi Everyone,

As you may have already known, tragically Tammie Millers's 4th child, Robert Gordon, passed unexpectedly on Jun 16, 2017.  He was  only 18 years old. This has taken quite a toll on the family emotionally and spiritually...

Dwight has had the pleasure of working with Tammie Miller for the last 16+ years ath the Doubletree in Skokie. Through those years, we've all watched Tammie's 5 children (Craig, Keith, Britney, Robert and Terell) grow before our eyes...
Her love and support for her children has never ceased. Her faith in God and others has also helped her overcome all obstacles.

Let's take this time to support a friend in need and show Tammie and her family that we are here for their support. 

With love, 

Dwight and Jennifer Aquino

Rest In Peace
Robert Gordon
10/01/1998 - 06/16/2017



  • Anonym
    • $5
    • 7 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Dwight Aquino
Chicago, IL
Tammie Miller

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt