Roberto and Antonio’s funeral expenses
On August 2nd, 2020 around 8:30pm it was reported that Roberto Velasquez & Antonio Martinez, Were getting chased by another vehicle who shot at Robert & Tony, and caused them to loose control &crash. Unfortunately they were shot several of times in their body and both did notmake it. We are asking for any donations anything is appreciated to be able to helpthe family put them to rest. Thank you.
El 2 de agosto de 2020, alrededor de las 8:30 p.m., se informó que Roberto Velásquez y Antonio Martínez, estaban siendo perseguidos por otro vehículo que disparó contra Robert y Tony, y los hizo perder el control y chocar. Desafortunadamente, fueron disparados varias veces en su cuerpo y ambos no lo hicieron. Estamos pidiendo donaciones. Se agradece cualquier cosa para poder ayudar a la familia a descansar. Gracias.